Can moms have fun?
Have you ever asked your kids, “what does mom do for fun?”
Are their answers funny, eye-opening or a bit sad?
More importantly, are their answers accurate?
It’s clear, as moms, so many of us constant struggle to find the balance between staying true to ourselves and being everything our families need.
The thought alone can be exhausting, amiright?
Let’s compare…
My husband is the fun one in our family. Spontaneous, joker, dare devil, adventure seeker. He’s an enneagram 3.
I’m the planner, packer, preparer, hesitant, often nervous one. I’m a 6 to the core.
Not sure how I got to this point but here we are.
In talking with many women online, it gives me comfort in knowing I’m not alone but also inspiration to move forward in a redefinition of self and become aware that the way I define myself will most certainly have an impact on my daughter as she continues to grow from young woman to wife to mother one day.
It’s so important that we teach our daughters that they are unique individuals with their own interests, abilities and desires long before they are spouses and mothers.
And it’s ok to speak up for our needs, voice our opinions and take the time we need for ourselves.
Equally crucial is that we teach our sons that women are to be respected, treated as individuals and encouraged to pursue their own dreams and goals.
“Our time, needs and opinions as men and women are equal. ”
Fun is many things to many people. Some create, others play. Some need to be outdoors, some prefer a book and a blanket. Shopping is fun for others, while some may prefer to donate time. There is no right or wrong definition as long as your definition makes YOU happy.
If you struggle with letting go and having fun, I highly recommend you listen to Glennon Doyle’s podcast episode titled Fun: What the hell is it and why do we need it. I’ve linked it here on Spotify.
I find it a bit ironic that it was released on my birthday. It was quite possibly the gift I needed most this year!
Chances we have a lot in common, beyond struggling to have fun as moms. If you think that might be true, check out my blog post where I share more about my personal journey. I’d love to hear how we are alike.
She shares about this topic best, so I suggest you listen to her words.
Glennon is like the big sister/best friend we all need. The voice of commonality we all long to hear and her honesty is so refreshing. If you haven’t read Untamed, I highly recommend it.
When you think about the version of you pre-kids and post-kids, are they similar? If so, how do you succeed in holding onto yourself?
If you feel like me, like the “old me” has been a bit lost over the years, that the current version of you is best defined as Mom yet you have a yearning for a reboot, a redefining, what steps are you going to take for change?
Personally my main focus right now is creating better boundaries and prioritizing my time for projects, rest or social engagements. Most of all, letting go of the guilt.
Share your thoughts below so we can all see that we are not alone and have the support of one another.
Celebrate You. Explore your definition of fun.
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